SPECTREMIX features remixes from the Spectre album: Continue reading
Laibach at the Industrial Art Biennial on September 19, 2014
Laibach is opening the IAB in a historic Istrian city of Labin, Croatia with a Red District exhibition. Continue reading
Laibach launches “Spectre” Ringtones, July 2014
Get your ringtone at spectre.laibach.org
Laibach release video to “Eurovision” on May 10th, 2014:
Video by RÃTNEEK: Continue reading
Laibach’s tour starting on March 6th, 2014
A SPECTRE is haunting Europe, the Spectre of Laibach! The tour has started. Continue reading
Laibach: “The Whistleblowers” out on February 28, 2014
Laibach release the video to their first album single “The Whistleblowers” on February 28th, 2014: Continue reading
Remix project for Laibach, February 2014
The legendary art band project from Ljubljana (my old hometown) requests to commission remixes for their new album “Spectre”, Continue reading